Art contemporain
artburgac: Sophie Cape
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artburgac: Sophie Cape
artburgac: Sophie Cape
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artburgac: Sophie Cape
justanothermasterpiece: MP Landis.
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justanothermasterpiece: MP Landis.
Rouge dedans, peinture numérique signée par artiste Octave Pixel...
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Rouge dedans, peinture numérique signée par artiste Octave Pixel // Mise en vente de ce tableau par la galerie TACT // Notre concept : Proposer de l’art contemporain &...
"We should have lived the past moment of an already forgotten...
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"We should have lived the past moment of an already forgotten present…" This mineral approach is a search in the layers of our unconscious modeled by the movements...
killthecurator: Paul Behnke
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killthecurator: Paul Behnke
chrismayne: Margo Wolowiec
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chrismayne: Margo Wolowiec
dailyartjournal: Kara Barkved
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dailyartjournal: Kara Barkved
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abstrakshun: Bregenzer 01 Monika Schmid
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abstrakshun: Bregenzer 01 Monika Schmid
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Droit d'auteur © 2025 galerie TACT - Réalisation site agence shopify lobsTTer
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